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許海峰,1957年生,中國男子射擊運動員,運動健將,第一位獲得奧運會金牌的中國運動員,安徽和縣人。他從小喜歡用彈弓打鳥,憑著自己不懈的努力,練就了一身高超的射擊本領。1984年在第23屆奧運會上,以566環(huán)的成績獲男子手槍60發(fā)慢射冠軍,成為本屆奧運會第一枚金牌獲得者,也是中國第一位奧運會金牌獲得者,由此開始了中國奧運會史的新篇章。Xu was the Gold Medal Winner of 50m pistol (60 shots) Men at the23rd Olympic Games, L.A. The self-trained world champion, the first gold winner of the 23rd Olympic Games, China's first Olympic gold winner, the coach of two Olympic gold winnersXU Haifeng, the creator of the country's history of Olympic golds, froze the breath-taking shot at the 23rd Games and since then began a new era of China's Olympic history. True to his name of the "gold athlete" and "gold coach", XU Haifeng will be remembered as a sports hero and a legend never fade.
Sports Career:
From the little slinging "bird-terminator" to Olympic winner, Xu Haifeng has been ambitious to become a sharpshooter since childhood. Through years of strictly self-disciplined practicing, the determined Xu trained himself a real crack shot despite the lack of professional regular shooting training. In 1982, Xu enrolled in the provincial shooting team of Anhui, and two years later in 1984, the marksman started his sports career in the national team.
High Performances:
1984 The 23rd Olympic Games, L.A Gold, individual free pistol 60 shots, China's first Olympic gold medal
1986 The 10th Asia Games, Seoul -Gold, individual free pistol (Temporary WR breaking score of 660pts )-Gold, individual air pistol-Gold, team free pistol
1990 Asia Games, Beijing Four gold medals
1991 World Air Pistol Championship Gold
1991 The 7th Asian Championship Five gold medals
奧運冠軍,中國英雄 - 關于英雄的作文03-26